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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This looks good, and funny, and wow... that Lincoln look cool with a hood scoop!

Just watched it, here's my review:

great to see that a Rom Com can have realistic relationship analysis and a couple great car chases

It would get a 5 of 5 stars if they had found a way to surpass the inevitable car chase on dirt being wrecked by the dust of the camera truck. 

Great casting, Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars fame) and Dax Shepard (astronaut in Zathura) and Tom Arnold and Bradley Cooper (A Team and Hangover) were well cast. Tom played a role less witty and clever than that from True lies, but he is so enjoyable to see in a comedy where he isn't the lead. Dax wrote and starred in this, and nailed it. Well written relationship advice and romantic moments, and great car chases. Beau Bridges was a surprise, and his role was short but a new take on a dad role, tough but understanding. 

Instead of the normal movie scenes that you can predict the endings, the punchlines, and the story ending, this was a fresh breeze through the movie plex. Thank you Dax and cast!


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